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The advantages and disadvantages of automobile spur gear
Source: | Author:pmoafb36e | Release time:2019-03-21 | 756 views | Share:
You may already know that they made a gear, but what are the advantages and disadvantages of spur gears? Usually only used in racing applications, spur gears are an interesting alternative to traditional gearbox Settings. Known for its unique scream and inherent lack of usability, this is a gearbox setup that most of us will never touch.

What are these?

The name really says that. The actual gear of the gear points directly to the center of the gear, rather than forming a spiral as is the standard gear of almost every other road vehicle on Earth. They don't fit well around the central axis of the gear, but stick out; It's more like a sprocket on a motorcycle.

How do they work?

The main advantage of using spur gears is that they do not incur axial loads. This "thrust" is caused by the sliding contact between the teeth of the helical gear. This lateral force is applied to the input shaft of the gearbox in the front wheel drive configuration and then converted to the drive shaft. This greatly limits the torque that can be applied through the gears before other components fail. Thus, straight gears effectively allow a larger powertrain to be placed on the vehicle without the risk of tearing the output shaft and other bearings themselves, thus creating a greater safety factor in the transmission itself.

Are there any other advantages and disadvantages?

Straight gear transmission is more efficient than helical gear transmission system. The axial load generated by helical gears only reduces the transmission output energy and the increase in friction, resulting in heat loss. Because of its simple structure, spur gears are easier to assemble and produce fewer catastrophic failures. Heavy-duty transmission housings and shafts must be used with helical gears to handle additional axial loads, so spur gears can reduce weight, which is important in motor motion Settings.

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